Over the last century, countless Christians have started and ended their day with Morning and Evening by Charles Spurgeon. The author’s command of the English language, Biblical wisdom, and practical guidance through life’s ups and downs remains timeless and relevant to the modern day. The elegance of his prose is further brought to life now in this podcast form while retaining the beautiful language of the original King James Version, as it was originally written. From time to time, you will also hear Spurgeon experts and additional resources to add further insight and commentary on this classic tome and its author. While Spurgeon published a plethora of sermons, articles and books, Morning and Evening remains his best loved and most published work. ClassicDevotionals.com is both pleased and privileged to be the first one to bring you a dramatic reading of this timeless book in podcast form. We hope you enjoy it and are encouraged in your walk with Christ.
If you would like to read the devotional along with each episode, click here.