“Mighty to save.” — Isaiah 63:1
By the words “to save” we understand the whole of the great work of
salvation, from the first holy desire onward to complete sanctification. The
words are multum in parro: indeed, here is all mercy in one word. Christ is
not only “mighty to save” those who repent, but He is able to make men
repent. He will carry those to heaven who believe; but He is, moreover,
mighty to give men new hearts and to work faith in them. He is mighty to
make the man who hates holiness love it, and to constrain the despiser of
His name to bend the knee before Him. Nay, this is not all the meaning, for
the divine power is equally seen in the after-work. The life of a believer is
a series of miracles wrought by “the Mighty God.” The bush burns, but is
not consumed. He is mighty to keep His people holy after He has made
them so, and to preserve them in his fear and love until he consummates
their spiritual existence in heaven…